SenSci BlackOut Bed Bug Detector

How To Videos

What is the SenSci BlackOut Bed Bug Detector?

Bed Bug Interception Devices

Under-the-leg Interception Devices

The SenSci BlackOut is the original, scientifically proven bed bug interception device designed by BedBug Central’s expert, Jeff White. The durable and highly-effective under-the-leg bed bug interception device can detect up to 95% of bed bug infestations as little as two weeks.


Versatility of the SenSci Activ Bed Bug Lure

How do Bed Bugs Find Food?

Maintenance of Under-the-leg Interceptors




Government Housing

Housing Authorities

Private, Low-income Housing

Senior Living

Traditional Multi-family Housing

Military Housing

College & Universities

Private Boarding Schools

Product Information Sheet

To download the SenSci BlackOut’s product information sheet, click below.

BlackOut Directions for Use

To download the SenSci BlackOut Directions for Use, click below

SenSci BlackOut FAQ Document

Do you need a document to give to clients that will help inform them on what the SenSci BlackOut is and what it does? Then download the FAQ document where you can provide your client with all the basic information on the product as well as what they should (and shouldn’t) do once it has been installed in their home or facility.

Interceptors In the Media

SenSci’s Raving Fans

When we were looking to get out of the canine scent detection business, we were searching for a product that would be the pathway into our top commercial accounts and that product was the SenSci ActivVolcano. We use the ActivVolcanos in all of our hospitality services because these devices give us an even greater level of success and more consistency than when we were using canines for bed bug detection. The SenSci Volcanos are also less obvious than other interception devices and in our hospitality accounts we prefer that, as do our clients. We originally expected to lose a lot of our hospitality customers when we ended our canine scent detection business but once they saw the results using the new SenSci products, they were thrilled. We didn’t lose customers like we anticipated, in fact, our business has actually grown substantially!

Michael Botha

CEO, Big Sky Pest Solutions

The SenSci ActivVolcano has been a great tool for early detection and ongoing monitoring. We have used them in many different markets, such as office buildings, daycare facilities and schools to name a few, and they have shown great results. They are very easy to use and inspect. They’re flexible and can be used in many different situations and areas. A great option to add to our Bed Bug tool box!

Randy Rupert

Bed Bug Team Leader, Batzner Pest Control

The SenSci ActivVolcanos provide us with unsurpassed success for the office buildings and non-residential facilities that we service. It’s really a no brainer on why we use them; they are successful, affordable, discreet, easy to use, fits into a multitude of locations and provides our company with a revenue stream that we never thought was possible. The SenSci products are scientifically backed by proven bed bug research and that adds a great deal of credibility to our treatment protocols, which is what our customers find valuable.

Myles Guevremont

General Manager, Tri-Country Pest Control

The World of Bed Bug Detection

Bed Bug Interceptor Maintenance

Interceptors are vital tools when it comes to bed bug management, but some do require additional maintenance to work effectively. In order for some under-the-leg interceptors to work correctly, you will need to properly maintain them, however, there are free-standing...

Our Blogs

How the SenSci™ Activ® Bed Bug Lure Works

When you first walk into a supermarket, what’s the first thing you smell? Can you smell those freshly baked cookies? What about that fresh-out-of-the-oven bread? There’s a reason why food stores place the bakeries at the entrance of the store, to lure you into...

How Does the SenSci™ Volcano® Work?

As recent research suggests, bed bugs are much more active and mobile than originally expected, so using a tool like an interception device is crucial in bed bug management by intercepting their movement to and from the bed. Although there are several different types...

How to Properly Assemble Your SenSci Volcano™

The SenSci Volcano comes in two separate pieces but are easily assembled. The SenSci Volcano™ is an innovative, discreet bed bug monitor created by BedBug Central. The Volcano uses science to increase the chance the monitor detects bed bugs while being discreet in...

Jeff White Featured in SELF Magazine

Jeff White recently conducted an interview with SELF Magazine on bed bugs and the possibility of getting them from used or rented clothing. “It’s unlikely that someone would transfer bed bugs to brand new clothes in the store, but it’s a possibility if someone brought...

SenSci Products Expand Distribution into Canadian Markets

      Lawrenceville, N.J. — SenSci’s innovative bed bug products, SenSci Activ™ and SenSci Volcano™, are now available in Canadian markets. After recently expanding into the European markets, SenSci is pleased to announce that Gardex Chemicals and...