“When we were looking to get out of the canine scent detection business, we were searching for a product that would be the pathway into our top commercial accounts and that product was the SenSci ActivVolcano. We use the ActivVolcanos in all of our hospitality services because these devices give us an even greater level of success and more consistency than when we were using canines for bed bug detection. The SenSci Volcanos are also less obvious than other interception devices and in our hospitality accounts we prefer that, as do our clients. We originally expected to lose a lot of our hospitality customers when we ended our canine scent detection business but once they saw the results using the new SenSci products, they were thrilled. We didn’t lose customers like we anticipated, in fact, our business has actually grown substantially!”
– Michael Botha, President/CEO of Sandwich Isle Pest Solutions, Hawaii
Where to Purchase SenSci