There’s No Better Time than NOW
to Build a Better Leadership Team with Evolve YT

Building Your Team’s Greatness
September 15th – October 20, 2020
$360 per student, discounts available for 3 or more registrations
Course Overview
As a leader your primary job is to help others around you to achieve their greatness. Whether your teammates want to just be the best that they can be at their position or if they wish to rise in leadership, this course will provide the foundations to achieve both. We will explore how to work 1:1 with your direct reports, how to coach them up and how to educate them on the skill and behaviors they will need to be successful. The course examines the three types of observation/coaching methods used to build the greatness in others. At the end of the course your ability to coach your direct reports will lead to increased job satisfaction, increased productivity and ultimately employee retention. You will also be able to determine which individuals on your team can be developed into your future leaders.
REQUIRED READINGS: You’re Not the Person I Hired, Janet Boydell, Barry Deutsh, Brad Remillard
What Students Should Expect
Current Leaders
This course is ideal for owners of small business and for leaders who manage people in the field. While it has a greater focus on field leadership the learnings are transferable to managing inside teams. We will focus on time management and what a great mix of activities should look like for a field manager. At the end of the course each student will better understand the mix of daily, weekly and monthly activities that produce great results with direct reports. Additionally, each student will learn the four different types of ride-alongs/coaching methods and how to flawlessly execute each. Finally, we will learn how to validate our training through feedback methods to include employee satisfaction and 360 reporting.
Emerging Leaders
Being able to effectively coach, teach, educate and hold direct reports accountable is fundamental to helping them achieve their greatness. The emerging leaders will gain an appreciation for the wide range of activities that a service supervisor or a sales manager has to consider on a daily basis and will learn many of the skills necessary to effectively manage others. Activities plus execution = Success and understanding this in the world of field supervision is a key element in an emerging leader.
6-Week Long Courses
Each student receives 6-weeks of hands-on learning with Phil and Evolve YT team leaders
See Your Success
Create measurable results to see your leaders emerge into great leaders throughout the program
Acknowledgment of Achievement
At the completion of each course, as well as the entire program, graduates will receive a certificate highlighting their Leadership Achievement.
We Stand by Our Promise
At the end of the course we will survey each student and their manager/leader to see if the expectations were met. If the answer is NO, the course is on us and a full credit will be issued.
Building Your Team’s Greatness
Week-By-Week Syllabus
Week One
3-5-10; Knowing your teammates
- A / B/ C Players
- Values & Skills
- Right Person, Right Fit
- 3-5-10 Personal & Professional Goals of Your Teammates
- Questions to ask
- Documentation
- Integrating Key Measures of Success
- Creating an Action Plan for each teammate based on 3-5-10
- Identify Future Leaders
- HiPo, HiPro
- Plan for future development
- Feedback, Employee Pulse Feedback and annual Satisfaction
- Adding in 360 Feedback and How do we use it
- Development of “Your Teammates Greatness Action Plan”
Week Two
Activities of A Great Manager
- 2-6-2 the concepts of a great managers day
- Who do we typically focus on A, B, C players
- Span of Control 8-12 (top third, middle third, bottom third)
- Determining the right activity mix 2-6-2 or something else
- Data Collection
- What data are you gathering
- Scorecard
- Reputation Management (NPS) Using NPS/Customer Satisfaction to Identify Opportunities for Coaching
- Promoters, Detractors & Passives
- The role of survey response in your action plan
- Review of previous day/week work
- What data are you gathering
- How much time with:
- new teammates
- existing teammates, top, middle and bottom third
- Leveraging your team
- Best Practices in Company / Best Practices in the Company (top 3 on each team)
- What Measures are you going to use
- NPS Percent
- NPS Surveys being filled in
- Service Call %
- What are the individuals on your team doing to achieve the best practice?
- What is causing low performance
- Match up best practices with lower performers (especially for best performers who want to progress)
- Team Skill Inventory Good & Bad, What to look at
- Development of Your Activity Action Plan (2-6-2; data and metrics to review, rating your team, leveraging your team, results)
Week Three
Observation and Coaching Part I
- Review of previous week and learnings
Coaching Methods, a detailed look at each
- Observation only
- Demonstration
- Interaction
Interaction Types and the right daily mix
- How much time per day per person, a look at each and how to determine the right mix
- On Demand
- Stop & Help
- Product Knowledge
- Specific based on data
- Proactive based on daily assessment
- Half Day Planned
- Full Day Planned
- Development of Your Coaching Action Plan
Week Four
Observation and Coaching Part II
- Review of Week three and feedback from class
- Continuation from previous week
- Leveraging your team and fast-tracking your team’s greatness
- Customer Experience & NPS Leaders
- Technical Competence – send with best service call percent
- Finalizing Your Coaching Action Plan
Week Five
Using Your Talent to Find New Great Talent
- Ad Writing, Key Measures and Values
- Employee Referrals
- Screening based on Values and Key Measures
- Behavioral Interview integrating Values and Key Measures
- Set the tone with On-Boarding
- Introduction of Your Proven Process
- 3-5-10 > Data > 2-6-2 > Expected Ride Alongs > Leverage of Teammates > Feedback> circle back to 2-6-2
- Finalizing Your Action Plan
Week Six
Bringing it All Together, sample plans from classmates
- Finalizing Your Action Plan
- The necessary elements of the action plan
- Building Your Team’s Greatness, The Proven Process
- Action Plan’s in Action (Evaluation of random sample plan from the student body)
Raving Fans – Hear From Our Graduates!
Robert DiJoseph
President of BedBug Central
Danny White
National Account Manager for BedBug Central